
Core Values

How's Your Vision?

Featured / Core Values

With the advent of a new year where do you see yourself a year, or two or five years from now? Where would you like to be? What would you like to do? What would you like to have? What positive difference would you like to make? Do you have any idea what your future may bring? Do you have clarity for your future, or is it just a blur? Are you nearsighted or farsighted? How myopic have you become? Instead of hindsight being 20/20 for your life, make it the foresight for your future. As Mark Twain ....



Tis The Season Not To Judge

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Over this holiday season it is my hope that all of you who genuinely believe in the true spirit of why we celebrate this time of year will embrace and exemplify an attitude of selflessness and thoughtfulness to those around you. Self-centeredness, self-righteousness, materialism, and judgmental behaviors are the antithesis to Christ's spirit of peace, love and compassion. It is a time to reflect on the joys and disappointments over the past ....



Be Thankful For The Little Things

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What brings a smile to your face? Is it a smile from another, a kind gesture from your child, a hug from those you love, a playful moment with your pet, a warm fire, a good book, or just the recognition that with each day you can find joy in the simplest of things? Life is not meant to be easy. If it was, there would be little to be thankful for. It is through overcoming the trials, tribulations and anxieties of life that provides the many ....



Purpose - You Are Here For A Reason

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Do you believe you have a purpose? I believe you do. I believe we all do. However, genuine purpose is not about the acquiring of wealth, fame, or power, but a much deeper role that strengthens the human spirit in those we personally and professionally interact with each day. Purpose is recognizing and believing your life has meaning. It is revealed to you by reflecting on the ongoing collection of your life's experiences, and how those ....



Self-Discrimination - Don't Undermine Your Potential

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Do you ever put yourself down or belittle your own abilities? To discriminate is not only applicable to how you perceive and treat others, but it also applies to how you perceive and treat yourself. Self-Discrimination is defined as, "an act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction; treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person ....