Core Values
The 12 'Value' Days of Christmas
Featured / Core ValuesOn the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me the value of Accountability, that excuses are for losers, and using them to justify failure and disappointment is a recipe for personal misery. That from the moment you wake up in the morning until the time you put your head on that pillow at night, it will be your choices and your decisions that will contribute to what you ultimately become, and the content of your character. On the second day my true love gave to me the value of Self-Respect. That being given self-esteem is a fallacy. Self-esteem by definition is pride in oneself and pride is defined as dignity and self-respect. An attribute that is never given, but earned by the actions you exemplify each day. Rewarding effort equally when effort is not equal, undermines competition, work ethic and the understanding that accomplishment comes with earnest effort, not just showing up. The “everybody gets a ribbon” mentality has been an educational and life learning failure. On the third day my true love gave to me the value of a Positive Attitude. That life is not what you are given, but rather how you deal with the challenges, failures and uncertainties that you are confronted with each day.
On the fourth day my true love gave to me the value of Forgiveness. That forgiving yourself and others is essential for life progress, although at the same time never forgetting, for those are lessons learned. That living is not about what should have been, and might have been, but rather what you can be. On the fifth day my true love gave to me the value of Integrity. That living a life consistent with the values you believe in is the only way to build an honorable and sustainable personal and professional character. On the sixth day my true love gave to me the value of Humility. Understanding that the more you think of others the happier you will tend to be, and that the world does not revolve around you. That what we are remembered for revolves more around giving then taking.
On the seventh day my true love gave to me the value of Personal Honesty. That what you project to the world externally, when aligned with how you live your life internally, is the secret to personal contentment, fulfillment and happiness. On the eighth day my true love gave to me the value of Goals and having direction in life. That to look forward to something and make a commitment to strive for the accomplishment of that goal is what maintains a sense of purpose and a reason to wake up in the morning. On the ninth day my true love gave to me the value of Family and Friends. That when all is said and done it will have been the relationships with those you loved the most, and who loved you, that will ultimately define the quality of the life you have lived. No one on their deathbed wishes they had spent more time at the office.
On the tenth day my true love gave to me the value of Resiliency. To never give up, and to persevere through the difficult times, that without the trials and tribulations how can you truly understand the values that structure who you are and the content of your character. On the eleventh day my true love gave to me the value of Compassion. To help those who cannot help themselves, and to realize that we are all in this thing called life together. To uplift the spirit of those who may feel spiritless, and to serve for the greater good rather than personal gain. On the twelfth day my true love gave to me the value of Life, the understanding that each life is precious and a reflection of all humanity. That how we treat one another will determine the future direction of humanity, and that good must overcome evil if humanity is to survive. As we celebrate this Christmas season, may we all put others over self, good over evil, kindness over disrespect, peace over conflict, and most importantly love over hate. May the spirit of the Prince of Peace bring joy, humility and gratitude to you and those you love. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
TAGS: values / vulnerability / growth / accountability /